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The approach to this project poses to sustain biodiversity through an urban food forest. In permaculture farming, a food forest grows in a highly optimized pattern that utilizes multiple layers to make the most of both horizontal and vertical space.


A forest is comprised of seven layers where permaculture food forests are also grown in the same way. In permaculture, symbiosis is a key element in the development of food. This project attempts to use symbiosis as a means to not only grow food in this way but to allow the main program components to become mutually dependent on one another for the production of food. The special opportunity that is posed by this project is for the site to become an asset to the city by nurturing permaculture methods of farming in an urban setting that can potentially attract investors and bring revenue to the city. It could also become a model for a new way of modern farming for the world.


The main program for this project includes a food forest for food production, a community center, and residential units

This project uses the idea of urban farming, permaculture, and the model of the natural forest to develop an urban food forest in Knoxville’s Old City area near downtown. It is an urban food forest that produces food which grows in the same way as a layered forest. 



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